News / Blog
What are the benefits of Whalley Hydro?
It will:
- generate green electricity.
- contribute to energy security, helping us to be more resilient in the face of problems of energy supply.
- contribute to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and carbon emissions.
- be owned and run by local people as a social enterprise.
- provide income which will be distributed locally to increase renewable energy supplies e.g. for community buildings and people in fuel poverty.
- be available for parties of school children to visit where they can see working machinery which is an unusual experience these days.
- provide internet links for schools to use information online, such as power output, for use in the curriculum.
- be a visitor attraction bringing tourists to the area.
- preserve the historic 600 year old weir, built by the monks who built the abbey.
- facilitate the movement of fish upriver through the fish pass.
- provide a dividend for investors of 3-5%, rising to 6.9% for tax payers eligible to claim tax relief under the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS).