News / Blog
Output 2016-17
With over three months still to go, the turbine export for this year exceeded the total generated for the whole of our first year of operation (303,400kWh) mainly due to this year so far being wetter than average.
First GWh output for Whalley Hydro
The plant has continued to operate reliably and recent plant performance/output has remained very healthy. With the wetter than normal end to July the output for the month was 24,000kWh far exceeding the target of 7,000kWh expected for the average rainfall for July. Based on the 20 year average rainfall/river flow since start-up in November 2014 the predicted generation total to date amounts to 926,000kWh. However because actual rainfall/river flow has been higher than this average, ...
Piclo report out now
The report on the Piclo peer-to-peer energy trading trial is now available for download. Whalley Community Hydro has been taking part in this ground breaking trial which shows the way to the future for electricity generators and consumers (see our news item 12 April 2016). Local matching puts people in control of their energy. As DECC’s Community Energy Strategy states, this can build stronger communities, create jobs, improve health and support ...
Strong public support for renewable energy
Support for renewable energy has been consistently high at around 75-80% over the past four years according to the DECC Public Attitudes Tracker –Wave 16. This information is from polls done four times a year. The latest survey, done in December 2015, showed 78% support for renewable energy.
Whalley Community Hydro in peer-to-peer energy trading trial
Whalley Community hydro is taking part in a pioneering trial that may alter the way in which electricity is distributed and sold in future. If the electricity you use could be generated just round the corner from your house or business, it puts far less load on the grid and costs are reduced. This development is part of what is sometimes known as a ‘smart grid’. It is becoming possible with far more power being generated ...
Can you help?
We have a small band of volunteers to clear the debris from the screens at the hydro. Could you spare some time to spread the load? The main need is in the autumn when the leaves fall, from about October to December. We check the site every day and use long-handled rakes to pull the debris up. If we allow debris to build up we lose power and income available for community benefit. If you'd ...
Boxing Day flood 2015 at Whalley Hydro
Photo Andy Mattison. The highest ever river level put Whalley Community Hydro out of action on Boxing Day. The water got into the generator building but the electrics had been switched off so the damage to the equipment was not severe. A few parts have been replaced and we are now generating again.
Share total now at £740,000
We are close to our target of £750,000. The share offer remains open until we reach the target.
Power output
See how Whalley Hydro is performing. A graph showing output data is now available on the home page of our website which is updated frequently. This will enable you to keep up to date with how the hydro is functioning. The rain it raineth every day just now in Lancashire. Just what is needed for hydros.
Share total now at £697,000.
We are getting close to our target of £750,000. The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) finishes at the end of November by order of the Treasury. Until the next share issue on 29 November investors can take advantage of the 30% tax relief still available. After that share issue our share offer will remain open if we have not reached the target but EIS tax relief will no longer be available.