Project progress

fish and eel passes

Fish and eel passes

outfall ready for generating

Outfall ready for generating

fixing the control gate

Lowering the control gate into position

fish pass

Fish pass

generator building

The generator building

lowering the screw into position

Lowering the screw into position

HV duct

Burying the high voltage duct from the transformer to the road ready for connection to the national grid

LV duct and BT cable

Low voltage duct and BT cable for internet connection

preparing for the Archimedean screw

Preparing for the Archimedean screw

Week 11 channel walls going up

Week 11 channel walls going up

Week 10 banner for construction site

Banner for construction site

Week 10 concreting the ramp for the screw

Week 9 concreting the ramp for the screw

Week 8 July 2014 pumping concrete at the outfall

Week 8 July pumping concrete at the outfall

week 7 blinding the outfall

Week 7 blinding the outfall

week 4 - pile driving at outfall

Week 4 – pile driving at the outfall

WCHL week 3 preparation for coffer dam

Week 4 – preparing for coffer dam

WCHL channel 2014 06 05

Week 3 – excavating the channel

Week 2 - access track and cabin

Construction week 2 – access track and cabins

WCHL project manager Tim Ashworth

Construction week 2 – WCHL project manager Tim Ashworth

breaking ground

Construction day 3 breaking ground

21 May 2014 Goosander on the river

21 May 2014 Goosander on the river

Preparing the site - day 2

20 May 2014 construction day 2 – preparing the site

March 2014 coppicing the trees

June 2013 mending the weir