News / Blog
Join the ‘Energy Heroes!’ team
Advert for someone with primary school teaching experience
We are looking for a part time teacher to join our team of ‘Energy Heroes!’ to deliver an innovative maths and science programme to year 5 pupils in 4 schools annually across the locality. The role will include liaising with schools in order to support their journey towards becoming ‘Energy Heroes!’, delivering the first of 6 lessons and an assembly and also working alongside our energy experts at Whalley Hydro. All training, ongoing support and materials will be provided.
Please visit Energy Heroes! to explore our project further and then use our contact page to let us know if you are interested in joining our team. Deadline for expressions of interest: 1st October.
About the Energy Heroes! programme.
The Year 5 maths resource project is linked with the national curriculum to bring energy usage, data handling and sustainable behaviour into maths and science. It is designed to help with improving Y5 children’s data handling skills within the context of energy and climate change. This is achieved through a series of 6 lessons plans directly linked to the aims of the maths and science 2014 National Curriculum.
The project consists of the following elements:
A twilight teacher training session/ webinar for a teacher and business manager/caretaker to run through all aspects of the resources.
An ‘Energy Heroes!’ whole school assembly to kick off the excitement for every pupil!
An ‘Energy Heroes!’ kick off lesson to begin the learning for the year 5 students.
A free Energy Audit undertaken with some keen eco-detectives to find the 5 actions to help your school save energy.
Teaching resources for 5 further lessons (placed within the maths 2014 curriculum.)
Home challenges for the children to embed their behaviour changes at home and teach their families to do the same, reducing energy costs.
A community event pack to allow the students to share their learning.
Resources to build each school’s energy display board to help reduce energy consumption by 10%.
A follow up visit to see the schools’ display boards and help celebrate their success!
Our aim for these resources is for children to really understand energy, where it comes from, how we use it and ultimately how to save it.
For more information, please get in touch by the contact page, or take a look at the website: Energy Heroes!